Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The 30-Second Trick for Evaluation Essay over Track Samples
The 30-Second Trick for Evaluation Essay over Track Samples There opinions might be biased sometimes but in addition, there are some that could be valid due to the objective criteria adopted in the span of the review. It is possible to also do some investigating to learn more about the points to discuss as a way to present a logical and compelling review. Track teaches you that there's almost always a bright side to each circumstance. You need specific reasons and evidence to strengthen your judgment. Performance reviews are an essential feature in any organization because it determines the upcoming development of an employee. Writing College research papers College courses demand various sorts of writing that employ a number of strategies for various audiences. Getting Started The very first step towards writing a superior research paper is to organize what's to be written. Few weeks of constant work and you'll be writing expert material! The Nuiances of Evaluation Essay o ver Track Samples You may use the next sample appraisals that could help you in the approach. You have to spell out how you had the ability to produce the evaluation including the specification of the things which you've considered within the entirety of the evaluation and writing process. Besides task outcomes, employee behavior ought to be a distinct category an employee is evaluated in. Since an evaluation essay isn't only part of college essay examples as it may also be utilized in company and company processes, you must understand the weight of its effectiveness. It is going to also be easier that you produce an evaluation that could be trusted by your readers. An evaluation is an assessment of particular topics or subjects typically conducted for a certain function. Outcomes evaluation is a continuous course of action. Top Evaluation Essay over Track Samples Secrets The intention of the outline is to supply you with a blueprint' of the paper and effortless reference when writing. The program can generate an entire essay in under a second, dependent on a few keywords. There is an extensive number of evaluation essay examples that are especially created for specific purposes. Give a concise illustration of what is going to be discussed in the review and proceed to the thesis. It is possible to also have a look at our Scholarship Essay templates. To start with, make an evaluation essay outline. The Fundamentals of Evaluation Essay over Track Samples Revealed Because it is a group of essays, you can pick this up and read what you require, when you require it. Some are classics that you may already own. Sample evaluation essay will be able to help you to compose your mind what you wish to write. To steer clear of common essay mistakes, a number of the situations that you should always remind yourself when writing an evaluation essay are given below. Evaluation essays work best in case the readers can determine the sources you have used to develop the assessment which they're currently reading. If you got stuck with how to compose an evaluation essay here you'll find any kind of essays. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Evaluation Essay over Track Samples Is Wrong Reading samples of response papers is also an additional way by which you can easily learn how to compose a reaction paper to documentary. Anyway, your reaction may also make an overall address to the whole documentary without picking parts. The introduction is easily the most appealing way of the way to begin a movie review, and contains the overview of the film and opinion which will be stated. The introd uction for a movie review needs to be appealing, so the reader can find the feel of wanting to read more. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Evaluation Essay over Track Samples Typically, the writer is provided a set of criteria to base their evaluation regarding a specific experience. Since the primary purpose of an evaluation essay is to relay your viewpoint about a particular subject, you've got to ensure you'll be precise and concise when delivering the message you want your readers to be knowledgeable of. There are various types of evaluation essays and you ought to bear in mind that each one of them have differences based on the aim of their creation. Anevaluation essay is the perfect method that could establish if one has leadership qualities.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Case Study of Tencent’s E-Commerce Strategy - 1327 Words
Case study of Tencent’s E-commerce Strategy Executive Summary Tencent’s E-commerce strategy didn’t work well. The company’s core business is QQ which is an online instant messenger. All of tencent’s other business will be rolled out base upon the QQ. They want people who use QQ can also shop online easily. So they made the strategy according to that point. They developed E-commerce websites which made no difference with Taobao and Tmall but didn’t make them to success. Why does this happen? What’s Tencent’s strategy? Introduction As Tencent announced to take 15% stake of[1], which is the largest online retailer of China, in March 2014, it also implicated the failure of Tencent’s previous e-commerce strategy. In the†¦show more content†¦At that time, most of the Internet companies focused on one area and entrenched their positions continuously until they gained the dominance in their battlefield. Tencent grew up in this competitive environment and started from QQ which is still the core business of it today. The target users of Tencent QQ are young netizens, a crowd which are willing to try new experiences and want to express themselves. The QQ provides a platform for these young men and they quickly accepted this new thing even in rural area of China. Now Tencent QQ is the most popular instant messenger platform in China that owns more than 2 billion registered users and the number of users simultaneously online has sometimes exceeded over 200 million in 2014[2]. This basic service is for free. However, huge numbers of people on QQ delivers great amount of traffic, which also brings business opportunities to Tencent. As expected, Tencent made great effort on taking advantage of those tons of traffic from two aspects. On one side, in order to strengthen users’ loyalty and stickiness, Tencent expanded into other online service such as Qzone(online community), QQ Friends and Tencent Weibo(social network) as well as Wechat, a social mobile application with voice and text messages mainly.On the other side, to gain profit Tencent also tried many ways by providing value-added services like QQ membership(users pay monthlyShow MoreRelatedEquity Valuation Analysis Report - Tencent Holdings Limited8305 Words  | 34 Pagesinternet valued added services (IVAS), mobile valued added services (MVAS) and online advertising and e-commerce. The internet services industry in China is at the growing stage due to technological advances leading to higher internet and mobile penetration within the country at a lower cost, as well as the strong economic growth upon China’s admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Tencent’s most famous products include QQ (instant messenger), Qzone (social networking service) and QQ.comRead MoreSWOT Analysis Tencent Limited Holding Essay3054 Words  | 13 Pagesapproximately 10 percentages. This is due to the expansion of existing offers in the area of e-commerce and advertisement services.4 Observing the numbers, 148 million people have already experienced Internet shopping since 2010 and it is expected that 30 million people will additionally make use of it by the end of 2015.5 The Economist stated, â€Å"the future of e-commerce is China†.6 Besides the e-commerce and advertisement services also the application services became more and more important overRead MoreSocial Media Business Model Analysis - Case Tencent, Facebook, and Myspace34799 Words  | 140 Pagesl Social Media Business Model Analysis - Case Tencent, Facebook, and Myspace Logistics Master s thesis Xiaoyan Hu 2011 Department of Information and Service Economy Aalto University School of Economics ABSTRACT The term of social media is becoming increasingly popular presently, the amount of social media users is growing dramatically, and the monetization of social media has been discussed in publications but not in details. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Criminal Law for Jurisprudence Annual Lecture- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theCriminal Law for Jurisprudence Annual Lecture. Answer: The best way to study law is to read cases. In the greatest fictitious case of the speluncean Explorers by Professor L. Fuller, there was evident that various theories clash with each other. He explained skillfully the law through symbolic representation. This case is in many ways similar to Professors Fullers Speluncean explorers theory. According to the professor, purposive jurisprudence sees courts activities as purposly subjecting human conduct to the control of rules[1]. Morality and law are intertwined and law which is separated and divorced from morality is not law. There is a conflict between natural law and legal positivism. In this case, the prisoners D and S would not have survived if they had not killed the boy. Suggesting that morality and law are not connected is such an affront to scientific thinking. This case like professors Fullers has some stiff competition. This case illustrates a number of theories about legal reasoning and natural law[2]. There are two jurisprudential philosophies which are natural law and posivitism. Natural law philosophy states inclines on the fact that the two sailers D and S were in a moral , or a state of nature which was geographical. This contradict N.C.S.A statute Section 12-A which expressly states that whoever willfully commits murder shall be punished by death. After the facts are mentioned , and basing this case on the fact that we are in a jurisdiction where the law states that whoever willfully commits murder shall be punished by death. It is on one side advisable that we may apply the letter of the law instead of interpreting it[3]. In Professor Fullers case, Chief Justice Truepenny thought that the jury was wise and fair to follow the only course open to them under the law. This advocates for Institutionalism and Textualism and also embodies the positivist perspective. This case according to the Chief justice should be given a literal interpretation and therefore the defendants D and S should be punished by death and no clemency should be given. The law is what it is rather than what it ought. It should be free from any moral considerations. In a jurisdiction that is under the statute that whoever willfully kills shall be punished by death, the law is plainly and directly applied rather than being interpreted. The lingo of the statute directly applies to what the defendants D and S did to the boy. Thus, the defendants should be punished by death as the existing law states. There is no argument about that. There is no question that the defendants did the act willfully and they took the life of the boy as had been admitted in the court. However, in this case, the defendant D suggested to S that someone should be killed to save their lives and on the twentieth day they thought that the boy should be killed[4]. Unlike in Professors Fullers case where Roger Whetmore had agreed on a modality in which they would chose who to be killed, the boy did not seem to have any say on how to choose who to be killed. Therefore, the Defendants D and S should be held fully responsible for the crime. Unlike Professor Fullers case where there were questions of whether Roger Whetmores death is solely blamed on the defendants alone, in this case the death of the defendant fully resides on the two defendants. This is because it has not been said that the boy agreed to the decision that determined his fate. It would be unrealistic to employ the statute on the grounds of disregarding the basic foundations of why the law has become law. In any case, there should use prudence to decide the merits of the case. The law should be intelligently applied not idiotic adherence. The defendants D and S should be punished by death without any clemency but there should be reflection or consideration of the statute5. It should be free from any moral considerations. In a jurisdiction that is under the statute that whoever willfully kills shall be punished by death, the law is plainly and directly applied rather than being interpreted. On the other hand, there was compelling reasons to suggest that the defendants had a murder charge to answer and that they were murderers. The judge can declare the defendants innocent on humanitarian grounds or what is called the law of nature. In this law which is mostly practiced outside the jurisdiction of commonwealth, it states that if and when a circumstance arises that makes the coexistence of men impossible the law may be used. When the situation therein arises then all the statutes and the judicial precedents may cease to exist. It is argued why one life cannot be sacrificed to save many[5]. The exception is always accepted in the law. The law is not absolute since it has exceptions. The condition makes the law of nature or the natural law take its course. The situation is similar in which the criminal activity occurred outside the jurisdiction of the state. It is true to say that the crime occurred outside the states jurisdiction and by this commonwealth law ceases to take effect. The consequences of the commonwealth law disappears with it. When applying this principle the judge may notice that the defendants are not guilty of the crime in question. This is based on the circumstances prevailing at that time, for example, the defendants D and S and the boy could all have died if such a decision was not made. It may also be argued that due to lack of consent, the natural laws take effect and therefore the laws of nature are true to be followed this time[6]. Positive laws are territorial inherently. When the accused are outside the territorial jurisdiction, the law cease to be applicable in this case. The defendants are separated from the applicable territory that is the lands by their geographical location and that is the sea. The state according to the defendants and the judge was not even able to social contract to them. The other ground in which the judge may argue in this case is the ancient bits of wisdom which may be legally binding. The law states that in such a case, without breaking the law itself, a man may be allowed to break the latter of the law. In light of the purpose intended, the positive law should be reasonably interpreted. Killing for self-defense is and was excusable. It is out of purpose that the defendants committed a crime. A person cannot be responsibly held if the act intended is anything beyond the control of a man. When thy committed the murder, the defendants were trying to survive in the harsh conditions and in this case, one of them had to be sacrificed in order for the other two. There is a reason why a certain law was made first before it was broken. A specific law should be purposely construed. This is gotten from the case of Commonwealth v. Staymore. It is argued why one life cannot be sacrificed to save many. The exception is always accepted in the law. The law is not absolute since it has exceptions[7]. In this case, saving many by sacrificing one is better that sacrificing all by saving none. A case is only considered if it happens or takes place in territories that are far away from the limits of the state[8]. The law of the state is argued that it is not applicable due to proximity and distance that is provided. The predication of the law is possible if only there is coexistence of men i n the society8. When survival of a man becomes almost impossible, the statutes and precedents ceases to exist. The situation is similar in which the criminal activity occurred outside the jurisdiction of the state9. When the condition, in this case because the crime occurred in the high waters, then it is true to say that the crime occurred outside the states jurisdiction and by this commonwealth law ceases to take effect[9]. Conclusion In conclusion, It would be impractical to apply the statute on the grounds of ignoring the basic foundations of why the law has become law. In any case, there should be use of prudence to decide the merits of the case. The law should be intelligently applied not idiotic adherence. The defendants D and S should be punished by death without any clemency but there should be reflection or consideration of the statute. Bibliography Cotterrell R, 'Why Jurisprudence Is Not Legal Philosophy' (2014) 5 Jurisprudence Curzon, L. (2005).Jurisprudence. London: Cavendish. Davies, M., Croall, H. and Tyrer, J. (2010).Criminal justice. Harlow, England: Pearson Education. Gerstenfeld, P. (2006).Criminal justice. Pasadena, Calif.: Salem Press. Haugen, D. and Musser, S. (2009).Criminal justice. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. Inciardi, J. (2010).Criminal justice. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Julius A, 'The Jurisprudence Annual Lecture 2016 Mutual Recognition' (2016) 7 Jurisprudence Merino, N. (2013).Criminal Justice. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. Meyerson, D. (2011).Jurisprudence. South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Oxford University Press. Salmond, S. (2012).Jurisprudence. [Place of publication not identified]: Hardpress Publishing. Smith, M. (2010).Jurisprudence. [Place of publication not identified]: Gale Ecco, Making Of Mode.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Otter Box Companys economic state
Introduction Otter Box Company was established in 1998 by Curt Richardson and has a trademark for waterproof electronics. These are its main products. The company’s main objective is to create protective solutions to handle manufacturers. It helps consumers who frequently break their devices to have utter protection for their phones when engaging in active lifestyle. The company has its headquarters in Fort Collins, Colorado with Brian Thomas as the president and Chief Executive Officer.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Otter Box Company’s economic state specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Otter Box Company is a privately held corporation which operates as a ‘separate legal person’ and whose shares have no public market. The founders, management and private investors are among the owners of this business. Otter Box Company deals in phone cases whose market demand rises day by day. This is because of consumers’ current lifestyle and the development of technology. They expose hand-held gadgets to damaging components and are willing to buy more phone cases even if the prices increase. The wide-tax burden on sales offered by Otter Box Company can be levied on the seller. It is only in completely inelastic or elastic cases where tax burden is levied on either the buyer or the seller. The phone cases have a completely elastic demand hence creating an inelastic supply. This forces their sellers to shoulder majority of the tax. The demand for phone cases is derived from the market demand for smart phones. More smart phones in the market create the need for phone cases. As a result, this demand is not a primary demand but derived. The idea of creating a company that provides phone accessories to consumers, therefore, came from the increased demand for smart phones. Otter Box competes in an oligopolistic market structure where few companies offer phone cases thus leadin g to high prices. The company’s innovation came up in 1998 and has since dominated due to few companies in the same industry. A report in communication done by Syracuse University in 2001 showed that there were few companies which manufactured phone cases despite the increasing demand (Sharp, 45). Otter Box experiences external economies of scale where the size of an industry determines the prices of phone cases (Luxembourg, 86). The company is large in size hence produces more phone cases as compared to others. Fixed costs are, therefore, shared in the sales of numerous phone cases. This company can increase its economy of scale by increasing the size of raw materials and hiring a production and maintenance manager. If I were the owner of Otter Box, I would produce 300 phone cases every month. Assuming my manufacturing cost would be $18 for each, I would sell them at $26 each to achieve a gross profit of $24000 per month. This lies within 31% profit margin.Advertising L ooking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Due to a high demand for phone cases, I would hire a production manager to keep operation perfect. This would increase production to 6000 cases. Another additional worker that I would consider employing is a full time Maintenance-manager to work on the machines instead of contracting outsiders because it is relatively expensive. Conclusion Through the innovative spirit of its founder, Otter Box has proved to be the best provider of phone cases. It is able to provide competitive wages to its employees due to the increasing demand of phone cases and the oligopolistic market structure. The external economies of scale create a potential for future growth hence the company is at a stable economic state. Works Cited Economies of Scale. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000. Print. Sharp, Nancy W. Communications Research: The Challenge of the Information Age. Syracuse, N.Y: Syracuse University Press, 2001. Print. This report on Otter Box Company’s economic state was written and submitted by user George Madden to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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