Sunday, May 24, 2020
Biography of Simon Bolivar - 792 Words
Simon Bolivar was born July 24th, 1783 in Caracas, Venezuela. His family consisted of a slew of wealthy Creoles, or those born in America but of European decent. However, early on in his life he was faced with tragedy when first, his father died when he was three and then his mother soon followed as he neared the age of only six. Although his parents’ deaths seemed untimely and tragic but, because of the wealth of the family, Bolivar had great access to two very important tutors who would mold his later ideals of independence. First was Andres Bello, who taught Bolivar about science and exposed him to Enlightenment ideas. Next was Simon Rodriguez, a devote follower of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a philosopher who greatly influenced the French†¦show more content†¦He went on to achieve rank as Colonel, then aided Miranda in the raid of Valencia in 1811. Soon after this achievement he published his first book, Memorial to the Citizens of Nueva Granada by a Caraqueno, which set forth his political views. Next, leading a small army, he cleared the Magdalena River of enemies, then in February of 1813, he took the Villa de Cucuta and the liberation of Venezuela began in May. However, in May of 1815, Bolivar resigned his command to prevent the outbreak of a civil war due to the authority change and political struggles in Caracas. While in Carupano, Bolivar issued a decree of freedom to grant all slaves liberty. Then in 1817, Bolivar returned to Europe where he created the State Council, the Government Council, the Superior War Council, the High Court of Justice, the Trade Council, and created a newspaper. On August 5th, Bolivar moved again to Angostura where he set up the Second Venezuelan Congress and made a famous speech that outlined all his political beliefs. As well as a thought out speech, he presented a written draft of the Constitution. Next, Bolivar made plans to liberate Nueva Granada. His army fought a violent battle in Pantano de Vargas and Gameza where he then won the battle on the Boyaca. When Bolivar returned to Angostura days later, Congress issued the Fundamental Law of the Colombian Republic in December 1819. This created â€Å"The Great State†which encompassed the republics of Panama, Venezuela,Show MoreRelatedSimon Bolivar Essay examples2205 Words  | 9 PagesLatin American his tory forever. This particularly important early nineteenth-century leader was named Simà ³n Bolà var. Simà ³n Bolà var as a leader stood out from all the other leaders, because he played a crucial role in Latin American Independence. He was a revolutionary, an intellectual, and a visionary man that made Latin American independence successful during the nineteenth century. 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